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admin 高考英语作文 2020-05-04 19:03:18

  Dear Lesile
  How are you? I have learnt your progress in your Chinese with my help and your hard work. I am writing to tell the plan that what should you do in advance.
  First, let's make it at eight o'clock in school library. We can consulted a number of books about the subject there. Second, the next theme is about Chinese culture especially the Tang poems that are full of history and act. I believe you will be attractive once you put your heart. Third I need you to perpare some work. The Tang poems are based on the Tang dynasty
  so you should to look through the history and great happening.
  As the saying goes no pains, no gains. Chinese is so beautiful and difficult that you need be involved sincerely. I am looking forward to starting our study.
  Li Hua
  点评:本文要点覆盖较全面,文章结构较清晰,有恰当的衔接词使用,长短句运用较合理;同时恰当使用了一定的常用句式及谚语,如as the saying goes,no pains,no gains等。
  建议:1 文章要点方面,建议时间更精确些,比如具体是哪一周哪一天的8点;2 语法方面,注意细节语法的错误,如can consulted改成can consult等;3 逻辑方面,注意词和词之间的单配逻辑,如you will be attractive once you…逻辑上不是很通顺;4 单词拼写上,注意拼写的准确性,如perpare改成prepare等。



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