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初中英语作文:我的考试体验 My Experience in Exami

admin 其它英语作文 2021-09-25 08:18:00

  在日常的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的.作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的初中英语作文:我的考试体验 My Experience in Examination,希望对大家有所帮助。

  My Experience in ExaminationIn my opinion,examinations are one of the important activities in school life.I have gone through all sorts of examinations since my pri-mary school.I have tasted the flavor of happiness and sadness.Before examinations,I always have a hard time and don't know what to do.During examinations I feel nervous and sometimes my mind becomes blank.Only after examinations does the world seem to be brig-ht again and am I brimming with vigor.We often complain that our tea-chers make trouble for us on purpose.But it is not true.The fact is that examinations are just a way to help us do better in our study.



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