英语作文:养宠物 Raise a cat
在平凡的`学习、工作、生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是小编为大家收集的英语作文:养宠物 Raise a cat,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。
I always want to raise a cat, but my parents don’t allow me to do it, because they think I can’t take care of the cat, what’s more, they are busy and have less time to look after it. In order to prove that I can take the responsibility, I help my mother to do the housework and I try to be independent. My parents are happy to see me become mature, at last, they agree to allow to raise a cat. I am so happy, it is my job to look after it. When my parents are not at home, the cat companies me, she is one of my family members.