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Hug in Spring_550字


Spring, let us embrace you!

Spring, you are a season of life, a season of vigor and a season of a good beginning. The sweet smell of flowers wafts in the warm breeze, while colorful kites fly in the sky. Spring, you catch our fancy and let us feel being drawn towards your vibrant personality together with your extraordinary charms and beauties.

There is a Chinese saying “The whole year’s work depends on a good start in spring”. We, as pupils, should cherish the time and study hard, so that we can lay a solid foundation for the future.

Spring, let us embrace you tightly!


Spring, let us embrace you!

Spring, you are a season of life, a season of vigor and a season of beginning. The sweet smell of flowers wafts in the warm breeze, while colorful kites fly in the sky.
There is a Chinese saying “Make your whole year’s plan in the spring”. We, as pupils, should cherish the time and study hard, so that we can lay a solid foundation for the future.
Spring, let us embrace you tightly!

修改老师:Crystal 老师


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