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My Birthday_700字

  My birthday is on July ,2004.I am very happy on my birthday.Why?Because I can eat my favorite foodsand get many gifts from my parents and friends on my birthday. Last birthday,I often have big birthday party.So I was very tired in the morning.My father often buys me a big birthday cake. What did my mom do on my birthday? The question is easy.She cleaned all therooms and cooked delicious foods ,and I invited all my friends to my party.We played funny games before my birthday dinner begin. After the start of my birthday dinner,we sang a birthday song , light the candles and blow them.Then we ate birthday cake.I opened the gifts from my parents and friends. I had a wonderful birth

My birthday is in July. I am very happy on my birthday, because I can eat my favorite food and get many gifts from my parents and friends. Last year, I had my birthday party as usual.I was very excited in the morning. My father went to buy me a big birthday cake. My mothercleaned all therooms and cooked delicious food. I invited all my friends to my party. We played funny games,and they sang a birthday song and lighted the candles. I made a wish and blew all the candles. Then we ate the birthday cake together. I opened the gifts from my parents and friends. I had a really wonderful birthday party.



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