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【拥抱春天英语征文】Embrace the spring_800字

  The bird is called, the flowers smile… Spring, the earth recovery, the water when the ice melts in the song ”sing” up ”ding dong”, even for a long time not see the grass out from the soil. This represents, spring is coming. Spring is a beautiful season. The farmer uncle began to sow, waiting for next year’s harvest; The children organization spring outing, fly a kite together, hide and seek. In the field, there is labor of figure, there is also a joyful laughter, everything is so harmonious. A model on campus, students master, the bird ”chirp” at the window of the accompaniment, asing if is a beautiful song, make people intoxicated. Embrace spring, embrace this beautiful season; Embrace spring, embrace the joy of the season; Embrace spring, embrace the beautiful and lively season!

When we hear birds singing, see flowers blooming and grass turning green, we know spring is coming. Spring is a beautiful season. The farmers begin to sow, waiting for next year’s harvest. The children go spring outing, flying kites together and playing hide and seek. In the field, there is full of joyful laughter. Everything is so harmonious. Let’s embrace spring for it’s a beautiful season. Let’s embrace spring for it’s a joyful season. Let’s embrace spring for it’s a lively season!



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