Scrambled egg with tomato approach
•tomatoes cut thin flap. The size of uniform thickness, uniform.
•eggs, add a little salt, a little sugar, a little cool white boiling water. In a bowl, add a little starch, add 2 spoon of chicken soup, mix well, then add a little salt and sugar to mix.
•wok add scallion. Onion can be prepared on the tank. With Scallion does this dish, which can not only ensure the dish a little onion flavor, and can guarantee not to see green onion. 9 into the hot oil into the egg, fried until golden pot.
•pot and then pour a little oil, tomatoes into valve, 10 seconds without frying. Pour half wok of water, gently stir fry. It can guarantee the tomatoes valve not desquamate, does not affect appearance.
• 2 minutes into the fried egg, lightly stir fry. Then pour has a good hook thin thicken soup, stir fry for 30 seconds after the pan.