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admin 读后感 2021-04-21 02:01:18


《傲慢与偏见》电影的英文观后感:the script (most of it is Austen'and anything else that makes a movie this beautiful. Do not let another day go by before you buy a ticket or arrange any other method to watch this film.


her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at,her time and in modern time.




《傲慢与偏见》电影的英文观后感:Elizabeth Bennett (Keira Knightley) is the second of five daughters, all single and young. When a new man moves into the neighborhood, all of the girls take notice. Mr. Bingley is quite rich and handsome enough, after all. At the first large party for area folks, Mr. Bingley comes to the festivity with his sister and the proud Mr. Darcy in toe. Bingley has his eye on Elizabeth's beautiful sister Jane while Mr. Darcy neither dances or talks to anyone. Although unacknowledged, however, Mr. Darcy is transfixed by Elizabeth and she is strangely drawn to him. Through a series of town meetings, country visits, and more, Elizabeth and Darcy meet again…and again. There is something stirring. Is is disgust or is it love?This classic story could not be presented better than it is this film. It is utterly lovely in every aspect, every way. The performers are just outstanding, with Knightley giving Elizabeth the fire, the mind, the sensitivity that make her such an appealing person. Mr. McF is to sigh and cry over as his Darcy is handsome, in possession of a arresting voice, and provides a display of the great depth of his own sensitive nature. The costumes and scenery are colossally stunning, as is the editing, the script (most of it is Austen's own words), and anything else that makes a movie this beautiful. Do not let another day go by before you buy a ticket or arrange any other method to watch this film.

请用英文写傲慢与偏见读后感 要200到300字

economic position and horizon of knowledge. A simple theme introduces a great deal of what is about life. The whole book teems with authoress'wit and insight.And this inclination and intention cannot escape from the reach of her living circle and reveal some of her points about worldly life.这里有评论选:你看吧,我不贴出来了 http://www.artsdome.com/pride-and-prejudice/austen-reviews-1.htm ——-

急求!!!傲慢与偏见的英文读后感 最好是有中文翻译的

I can always find the same personalities in the society now. That is why I think this book is indeed the representative of the society in Britain in the 18th century. 许多人仅仅把《傲慢与偏见》作为一种爱的故事,这本书是一个说明当时的社会。她完全体现了钱和婚姻关系在她的时间,把人们从她的作品生动的人物。人物都有自己的个性。班纳特夫人是一个女人努力给她的女儿。彬格莱先生是一个友好的年轻人,但他的朋友,是一个非常骄傲达人似乎总是感到优越。即使在五个女儿在班纳特家是非常不同的。单纯而从不说别人的坏话。伊丽莎白是个聪明的女孩,玛丽喜欢阅读经典名著。(其实她是个书呆子。)凯蒂没有自己的意见,但是喜欢跟她的姐姐,莉是个女孩,英俊的男人跟异国情调,有点挥霍无度。我总是能找到相同的个性在现今社会。这就是为什么我认为这本书真的是最具代表性的社会在英国十八世纪。

《傲慢与偏见》的英文读后感!!!!!!!!!!! 急求!!!!!!!!150个字左右

<Pride and prejudice>>when everything comes to light Lizzy regretted. She found that she had misunderstood him. And darcy has although changed . Not proud at all. He made an offer of marriage to her again and was accepted. No pride and no prejudice between each other.



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