小学英语作文:Rome’s Beginnings
在日常的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的.心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小编为大家整理的小学英语作文:Rome’s Beginnings,欢迎阅读与收藏。
Rome was a Kingdom withimmeasurable land. It was built 2,000 years ago. Before the time ofthe beginning of Rome, Mi Dole ruled a city, but his brotherEmulous was a man with an evil heart. Since Mi Dole was the King,he was very expectable to be the King. He always wondered howwonderful it will be to be the King. With the ambitious heart andthe strong wish to be the King, he finally decided to kill hisbrother. So he made a plan and killed Mi Dole and his son, thenforced Mi Dole’s daughter to be a high priestess.
While Roman God of warmarried Mi Dole’s daughter, soon she gave birth to his son Romulusand Remus. Emulous was shocked by this. Thinking of the revenge hekilled Mi Dole’s daughter and put the children in a basket andthrew it into the Tiber River. As the basket flew with the TiberRiver, it doesn’t fly into the sea; it was stuck by a brunch nearthe land. Soon a female wolf was drinking water near the river.Perhaps the children were hungry, they cried and the wolf foundthem. Surprisingly the wolf didn’t eat them; it raised them withits milk. Sooner or later a shepherd found them and brought themhome and continued raising them.
After many years, theywere no more children. They knew the truth of themselves. They soonkilled Emulous together and decided to build a city bythemselves. While some day Remusmade fun of the wall Romulus was building. In a fury, Romulusargued with Remus and killed him.
After this event, Romulusbecame the King of Rome totally. The new city was named by Romulus,so it was called Rome. Not long after this, the Rome invited somesmall country to have a party with them and with this Romulusforced the small countries to join them. So the Rome grew stronger.In the past few years Romulus continued to fight a giant thecountries nearby and conquered many countries. The Rome grew morepowerful.
In brief, there are stillmany legends about the beginning of Rome. Although there are manymysteries about Rome, Rome was surely a powerful and amazingkingdom.