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时光机 Time Machine-英语作文

admin 其它英语作文 2022-07-19 08:18:00

  在学习、工作、生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是小编收集整理的时光机 Time Machine-英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

  When I see the cartoon, I like to watch the cat machine very much, he has a time machine, he always helps his friend to fine something with time machine If I have a time machine, the first thing I want to do is go back to the time when I play with my friend, he now moves to another place, I never say goodbye to him, I want to make it up and say goodbye to him Now I have to face the truth that I will never have time machine, I should cherish the time and thing I own now, be nice to my mother.




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